
OXFORD YOUTH CHOIRS recognises its duty of care to safeguard children as detailed under the Children Acts' 1989 and 2004 and Working Together to Safeguard Children 2018.

All adults in position of trust (staff and trustees) undertake the required level of training for their role in line with Oxfordshire Safeguarding Children Board standards and will follow the Oxfordshire Safeguarding Children Board Multi-Agency Procedures/Local Authority guidance in all cases of abuse, or suspected abuse.

These can be found at

There is a Designated Safeguarding Lead, Colin Danskin ( - and Deputy Safeguarding Lead - Hannah Rhodes ( who should be contacted to discuss any safeguarding concerns. There is also a Designated Named Safeguarding Trustee - Maria Chataway.

Children, young people and parents at OYC can approach any member of staff if they are worried about something and will receive a consistent and supportive response.

There is a safeguarding policy which is shared with all staff and trustees and is reviewed annually. A copy of the full safeguarding policy is available on request from the administrator or from any of the Trustees.