People List

Colin Danskin

Boys, Combined Choirs, Administrator, Designated Safeguarding Lead


Colin Danskin is a freelance teacher, conductor and tenor, working in Oxford and London. He enjoyed work as classroom music teacher for several years before completing a masters in Solo Voice Ensemble Singing at the University of York, and has completed the Advanced conductor training course with Sing for Pleasure.

Colin has several years experience directing residential weekends for both youth and adult choirs, ranging from Early Music to Close Harmony. He was Musical Director of renowned jazz a capella group, The Oxford Gargoyles, including a successful run at the Edinburgh Fringe Festival 2022, and now directs Oxford Harmony.

During 2022-23 Colin was a lay clerk at Magdalen College, Oxford and a scholar with the Oxford Bach Soloists. He is currently a Voces8 Scholar.